After several matches deep in the great forest of Tok-sun, the home the New Forest Rangers, the elves decided to join the league. After years of hard training in perfecting their play and outrunning captured wood elves, they’ve finally been found worthy of representing the proud and noble kingdom of Tok-sun.
Bulletin board from the coach
Sep. 10th, 2006 - old news
A New Hope
Desperation has engulfed the New Forest Rangers. Bad streaks and lousy result in the play off, has threaten to close down the team. Hoping to rise the team to its former glory, a new team has been assembled to finish the job…
- Thomas H
Mar. 16th, 2006 - old news
With the season’s first point against Deadly Doom the elves celebrated all night by paying homage to their ancient ones. Relived was the word to describe them, but not glad because they should have won. “Against a lousy sack of rusty bones, we should’ve emerged victorious!” Joongang dong said after returning from the match. "But the season's far from over"
- Thomas H
Sep. 16th, 2005 - old news
After the victory against the Khemri Hom-dai, the team spent the following days at the top of the impressive mount Paektusan, honouring the warriors of the ancient Chosun Kingdom. In doing so the players are hoping to get their wishes granted, obtaining the San-shin, the spirit of the mountain, to help them in their quest for glory in the Bloodbowl tournament.
- Thomas H
Jan. 28th, 2005 - old news
We welcome friends and foes alike. Friends for respecting our friendship and foes for respecting our sovereignty on the battlefield.
If the Hellbringers are going to invite us to a dinner, then it will be a feast of blood and guts, and we will dine with pleasure enjoying every bit the team has to offer.