Old bulletin board |
Nov. 14th, 2010 |
3 great players have been lost. A Great Bridge player have been lost. Grok Wipeknocker died in Addicted Lunatics Clan - Dead Diggers (Season XXV, round 5). The details can be read in the match report. Addicted Lunatics Clan - Dead Diggers (Season XXV, round 5) (And he were so close to beating the record with most goblins eaten, now he have to share the glory with Scar Fishgutter as the only two trolls so far to have eaten two goblins each).
We have also lost the best Fanatic ever. Damn dwarves got Insaniac Whiney. As well as best goblin passer ever. Team Quarteback Frelsh Aircheese
The killers will be avenged.. when we have reclaimed enough gold to do so... and happen to meet them again. Except of course our Apoth.. hez ok.. Cant get by without our Masterbrewer.. although he be a Mad Egg. |
- Thomas M |
Feb. 13th, 2009 |
Addicts back for ... Bridge?? The Addicts team were contemplating not signing up for this season, but were severly beaten into a new descision by team troll Grok Wipeknocker.
The reason for this is the joining of the new team Droptail Lizards. After having heard that other bridge players were in the league, the troll would not accept a no from the players.. (he dident hear that some said yes before being hit, but that dident matter to him at that point, with his state of mind).
Grok Wipeknocker now eagerly hopes that some of the new bridge players will accept his challenge to play some bridge.. they can all use his bridge zone. |
- Thomas M |
Oct. 28th, 2008 |
Addicts rumored to have stolen Tactics. Insideus rumours have it that goblins from The Addicts had anticipated meeting Double Dodgers again, and therefore had infiltrated the dogout of the Dodgers during the match Hellbringers - Double Dodgers (Season XXI, round 7), and stolen their book of tactics and secret gameplays.
Another unknown goblin team have just recently acqquired the new addition to the Addicts gameplan, it seems some addicts players lost them on a fungus drinking feast/raid.
Here they are.. the new unoriginal plays of the Additcs.
"Dar new Plays of Addicts." still and first of all we play by the rule: if in doubt - foul!
but we tried to make it a bit easier for the players to get around that rule if the situation happend where there would be no one to foul (Nuffle forbid that)...
this is a game called Blood Bowl and there is no ball involved in that - blood yes, bowl yes - ball no! so let the blood spill and do.......whatever with that bowl...
so here goes... 1. if possible - foul 2. if its not possible to foul - make sure it will be later! 3. if help needed to figure out who to hit - always go for the smallest and weakest looking opponents first! 4. now foul! 5. if possible - foul again... 6. repeat 1-5 7. should u in any case end up with the ball - use it to hit someone - or throw it at the referees face while you do dirty tricks on proned players...
Comments from Headcoach Raschak Leecher. "Thar plans did nae help in thar match wit Double Dodgers in Addicted Lunatics Clan - Double Dodgers (Season XXI, cross-over 8).. since none of the plans acqquired were being usd by thar humies... odd"
But an unknown spokesperson from the Addicts comments.
"Migt not be new plans.. but them be thar best plans we ever had, thar best fur us gits." |
- Thomas M |
Oct. 10th, 2008 |
Addicts in Mourning. Grand fungus feast in memory of Nobby Nobbs and espicially of Key Player Dumblorn Wipeankle..
Killed by Love apparently. Just shows that too much love CAN kill you.
Army Of Lovers - Addicted Lunatics Clan (Season XXI, round 6). |
- Thomas M |
Feb. 13th, 2008 |
Strategic De-evalutation The Addicted Lunatics Clan temporaly fired 4 members of the coaching staff, and cut back on Fungus Brew, which have lowered the team training sessions.
After this, the team value lowered by 100.000gp, and the expenses to regain the usual training condition and coaching staff will require 160.000gp to be paid out from tha big pile of gold at thar coach´s throne.
Reasons for this odd behaviour (for a team where money means everything), we have gotten this eksplanation,
"The expenses will be gained in the future, had weez been in upper bracket, wez calculated that at least 3 ekstra gobs would have been killed than in thar lower, and by the cost to replace these 3, not to mention the bounty´s we would have to place on tha killers, the money would have left the coffers one way or the other. This way weez might even gain a profit in thar long run if weez wins tha games." |
- Thomas M |
Nov. 4th, 2007 |
Victory tour homewards. The Additcs are heading home for the holidays, after having won the League Trophy. (They actually believe it!!)
Last to be heard from this this season were their thanking speech, in which they thanked theyr brewer of Fungus Beer.. which they have been drinking a lot of lately.. (Perhaps this eksplains theyr idea of having won).
Second they would like to thank for all the money they have acculumated.. 330k.. They look pretty..
Third, a thanks to Gruesome Grinders for killing Aloli. Faceknock Gluzzmunzh have been avenged.
And the Fourth.. The Addicts would like to remind people of the Wanted List. Oldest first, Prime Target, bounty raised by 10k. Gargh the Infested, for Chuckkolt Dumblonk. Secondary. Pinkeye, for Boomboom Headcheese. Jeff, for Gufult Nitpuff. Gulio Slians, for Hulking Mon Gluzzmunzh. grasping gina, for Kalf Axethruster. Anton, for Ghongong Headgoof.
No other bountys matters.. Since they belong to us anyways... and these as well.. if we meet them again. |
- Thomas M |
Oct. 5th, 2007 |
We have a new player on the team .. At least that is what he thinks..
He would like to present himself, his name is Wumph Headball, and he is.... by his own mind.. .... a goblin...
Its sad to see a good player degrade this way.. on the other hand.. he newer were that clever to begin with.. perhaps this combined Concussion and Fractured Skull, could actually have helped on his intelligence!
We will only have to wait and see.. he still needs to wake up from his coma, and walk by his own will. |
- Thomas M |
Feb. 26th, 2007 |
New Blood.. Ta Do Tha Spillin of oth´rs We have recently hired an ass´coach an one more cherlead´r fer thar team..
Curent coaching staff is For the trolls.. Coach - "Don´t look at gras.. move, hit or throw.." Coach - "Don´t eat gob. Don´t drop gob.. throw gob"
And the Coach - "Drag fanatic.. Release fanatic, push right direction then run..) very important play"
Cheerleadin is needed a´s well - "dodge, dodge, dodge.. go fer it cheer" (Them gobs need tha learn not to drop alover) - "Knock, Knock.. whoz ther?? trolls fist.. cheer" And thar - "Fungus, Fungus, Fungus.. Drink" (Both fer tha star Fungus The Loon.. an fer drinkin fungus at very drive..keeps ´em all going.
NEW searching for gobos to spill the opponents new blood..
Thar time has come for tha addicts to expand thar groop, for our next fithin tomorow weez will hire them tree jo´rney gobbos from tha last fitgh.. them did good..better than them rest useless gobs allredy hired..
Weez are lookin fer some o´f da we´pons wildin gobos ta spread hav´c.. Insaniac Whiney cn´t doo it alone.. not that he hav been doi´n much damage so far.. he needz thar competetion..
Too bad weez will miss the help of Ripper Bolgrot for now.. he has help´d mu´ch in many fithi´ns. t´ught them trolls much.. he will return some other time.. ya can cun´t on that. |
- Thomas M |
Oct. 11th, 2006 |
Time ta go forwart Well.. weez lost again. but scored us tha first touchdem thing against them woddsie elves.. Nun weez will meet them rotters thingies.. Weez need more power.. so weez have hired thar fanatic Insaniac Whiney.. uns a ass coach thar help drag him on thar field.. and release thar chains.. |
- Thomas M |
Sep. 29th, 2006 |
Woodsie Tree Elvs.. Wees are now readie fer them.. we have ... almost one hand fresh gobs.. and now we nows how to win.. wees have hired an Asstant coach and cheerlead.. Astant coachhs wills calculate enough fungus.. An thar Cheerlead.. will bring it out to thar playrs when the fanns yell them need more of thar fungibeer. |
- Thomas M |
Sep. 20th, 2006 |
Bighat Dwarfs? Hobgobs? So.. now wees will soon meet thar Bighat Dwarfs Black Widows un thar hobgobs.. wees are redy..
The Mad Masterbrewer of the clan, Mad Egg Fingerskull have now aquired nug herbs fer thar cauldron fer thas fungus beer to be filled.. stong enough to bring all team up from ground. Now we hafs thar healing fungus..
Only rezly hurt gobs get healing fungus.. if them not hurtz... if them whiney.. Mad Masterbrewer Mad Egg fingerskull empties cauldron self..
Fer them new gobbos on tha team.. theys best proove them worth.. or no fungus beer after match.. |
- Thomas M |
Sep. 14th, 2006 |
Team Training complete Weez hav just finshd uns teem trainin, we are beter nuw... mostly drinking and avoiding gettin eaten by thar trolls fer drinkin theyr fungus beer... wee are now redy fer thar match against them biteys un theyr tralls.. Ripper Bolgrot will be appearing.. unless somethin interruptshim.. like no fungi beer left.. - Head Coach Rashak Leecher |
- Thomas M |
Sep. 13th, 2006 |
Chainsaw looking for new owner.. hiring In tha fun last naght.. we lost da looney Chuckkolt Dumblonk..
Due to this a bounty ware put on thar slimy head of tha litter snotter Gargh the Infested .. all of our winnigs fer tha matcs If noone kills him bef´r thar litter snots retires .. to some otter spat than thar ground.. wees wunt thar money baack... or a new bounty be put on thar head on tha commish who kept it..
Oh.. looking fer new looney fer old chainsaw.. |
- Thomas M |
Sep. 10th, 2006 |
BUUUUUUURPP.. some of da fungi beer? no.. ok.. "glukgluk".. Buurp Da Leechers Lunatics are here to winn them touchdown thingies.. and to pay fer da fungi beer, Dont laugh.. feer us.. youve neer met gobbos like tha uns of ur kind.. Buurp.. Now.. getta out of here before i lite ya, or use yer skull fer a drinkin mug. (Words from Head Coach Rashak Leecher) |
- Thomas M |
Addicted Lunatics Clan