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Boomboom Headcheese

Boomboom Headcheesedead
Addicted Lunatics Clan team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 0
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 2 3 7 Bombardier, Dodge, Secret Weapon, Stunty 

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Addicted Lunatics Clan - Black Widows (Season XVII, round 3).
- "Gobbo Bomber Apprentice.. Lousy at listening ta orders"

-Team Fungi Effort:
- Second gobbo to die

This Bombardier never got anything right..
When even he were ordered to throw the bomb at opponents in the first two matches.. what did he do??
he fumbled and blew himself and teammates up..
In the match Addicted Lunatics Clan - Black Widows (Season XVII, round 3) he showed new and more irritating abillities.

Since he always blew himself up.. this time he were ordered to make difficult passes so he would fumble and blow up the opponents next to him while keeping his teammates safe.. and what does he do? Makes the pass.. injuring noone at all..
Twice ordered to fumble a short pass with two opponents next to him and even a long pass while having 1 opponent next to him.. he never fumbled the bomb..

Having done nothing right i three matches in a row.. when he were killed by Pinkeye.. the coach ordered the apoth to spare his healing fungi beer for better players..
Thus ended the career for a useless bombardier..
Hopefully the next will behave better.. of course the next will be an addict of Fungus beer as well.. so who knows.

Killed by Pinkeye. Bounty Set.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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