Having heard of the success (partially that is) of the Bad Moon Backstabbers, the Night Goblins Clan from Osterwald lead by Rashak Leecher, leader of the Leechers Lunatics (His name for the Team) decided to form a Bloodbowl team. And that this great idea were thought up during a fungus feast, pretty much shows their brains and gameplans. At the end of the feast they decided on the name AAddicted DaLocaLunatics Clan. (Otherwise unpronounceable, it requires fungus beer). Team Info and Tactics.
no custom team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Sep. 4th, 2012 - old news
Lunatics Wins a match...?
Recent news point to the rumor circeling, that the team Addicted Lunatics Clan have just won their first match this season, thus stopping their NO-WIN streak at 34 matches without winning, a record that spans over the last 7 seasons. The streak were stopped by two sudden Tdīs in the last quarter of the match Addicted Lunatics Clan - Army Of Lovers(Season XXIX, round 1). This team have not stopped suprising yet (although it is hard to distinguish the surprised look on opponents faces with the stunned when the teamy use some of the more crazy plays).
- Thomas M
Nov. 7th, 2011 - old news
Lunatics on Vacation
Not having gone through to the Finals round, the Lunatics decided to take a vacation, and are now causing rife tensions of widespread chaos in a place called Tenyarife. (Or something like that).
They hope for many calsualties in the finals, and awaits the return for more mayhem in season 28.
- Thomas M
Sep. 13th, 2011 - old news
A Hero Steps Back
Thar best hero ever of the Line of Scrimmage, Biggum Flodrot during Ten Seasons of active duty (when not being injured that is), retires from active duty on the defenceteam with his newly Tenth! sustained Seriously Injury (the fifth permanent one!).
His little legs had been broken and mangled FOUR times, and that newer stopped him, but sadly a Cracked Skull has made him loose a bit of his stamina for taking a beating, and he feels that he is no longer fitting to fill the post on the defence team.
And apart from the other retired members (who were retired to "Re Tire" duty as one of the walking Tires on the team couch), he is actualle given a permanent soft post as an assistant coach, replacing one of the older assistant coaches (who in turn are retired to "Re Tire" duty).
He will be sorely missed on the Line of Scrimmage! But he will be using his knowledge of tactics to train others to be as succesful as he were So watch out.. soon a lot of goblins will be of the same hero material! (perhaps including the broken legs tactic!).
Replacing him as captain of the defence are Butch Meathook. (As soon as he wakes up from his own injury that is!).
We have also lost the best Fanatic ever. Damn dwarves got Insaniac Whiney. As well as best goblin passer ever. Team Quarteback Frelsh Aircheese
The killers will be avenged.. when we have reclaimed enough gold to do so... and happen to meet them again. Except of course our Apoth.. hez ok.. Cant get by without our Masterbrewer.. although he be a Mad Egg.