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Match result

season XV, round 3
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies

gate: 56 000
4 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Gruesome Grinders


profile Karen Tæhne retired
profile Emmy Grant retired
profile Thora Rulle dead
profile Thora Rulle dead
TD Scorers
Blutlache retired
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Fleischhammer retired
Serious Injurers
Knochenhauer Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Knochenhauer Bounty (20000 gp) retired

profile Thera Π retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Thera Π retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Karen Tæhne retired
profile Maria Juana retired
Completions By
Interceptions By

profile Pil Grimm dead
MVP awards to
Blutlache retired
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
profile Pil Grimm dead
Result added September 26th, 2005

Match notes
The match started in pouring rain making the ball slippery, and therefore the orcs were a little more cautious than usual. The job of picking up the ball was left to agile Fleischer instead of the sure handed throwers, and this left an opportunity for Bunny blitzer Ann Griff to test her new strip ball skill. Or so everyone thought, but Ann Griff disregarded her new skill and decided to send the ball carrier to the ground instead. The ball was loose, and several turns went by as the two teams fought for control over the slippery leather object. In the process Bunny receiver Karen Tæhne was killed but a quick thinking and fast moving Bunny apothecary saved the day. As if invigorated by the blow Karen Tæhne got on her feet more determined than ever and managed to do what no other player on the field could do: Namely pick up the ball and run for safety. An attempt to send her to the ground failed, and she entered the endzone for a 1-0 lead for the Bunnies.

Despite the Bunnies’ attempt to get to the ball in the next drive Grinders managed to grind down the field and score a touchdown signed Blutlache. The defence did, however, manage to stall the offence a bit, so that after the Bunnies’ next drive, Grinders had no time to make an equalizer before half time.

The Bunnies did use THEIR offensive drive to score another touchdown before half time. After conceding a hampering handicap-roll in their previous match the Bunnies were able to field both their renowned throwers Synne Buch and Thera Π at the same time. It paid off immediately: Grinders’ defence was split, and rookie blitzer Emmy Grant was left with the honour of scoring a touchdown in her first match for the Bunnies.

The clouds had rolled away during the last part of the first half, and in fine weather the second half began with the Bunnies’ receiving the ball. Synne Buch looked completely unaffected by the fact that her play was virtually shut down by an effective defence in last weeks game. And without making it look like much effort she made her completion no. 50 of the career connecting to Thora Rulle who crowned the milestone with a touchdown.

3-1 down Grinders had to come up with a fast and effective offensive drive. But once again the Bunny defence managed to stall the pace of the orc cage. With time running out the Grinder offence had to make a desperate push for it if they were to have any chance of equalizing. The attempt backfired as Fleischhacker tripped over his own legs in an attempt to outrun the Bunny defenders. Karen Tæhne was quick to gather up the loose ball, and while Metha Dohn cleared the way for her she sprinted past a beaten orc offence and connected with Thora Rulle who made her second touchdown of the game. 4-1 and the Bunnies were in complete control.

The teams’ last turn were spent near the line of scrimmage in an effort to gather as many star player points as possible.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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