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Match result

Season XXVI, round 6
Team badge
Dark side of the Moon

gate: 21 000
3 TD score 0
cas score
Goblin logo
no custom badge
Addicted Lunatics Clan


profile Valentina Tereshkova Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Valentina Tereshkova Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Valentina Tereshkova Bounty (20000 gp)
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)

profile Niel Armstrong Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Buzz Aldrin retired
profile James Lowell dead
profile Frank Borman dead
profile James Lowell dead
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Brick Bazooka dead
Serious Injurers

profile Buzz Aldrin retired

profile Mike Collins dead
profile Frank Borman dead
profile Mike Collins dead
profile Mike Collins dead
profile Buzz Aldrin retired
Completions By
Interceptions By

profile Thomas Stafford Bounty (50000 gp)
MVP awards to
profile Jock Stinkyfeet
Sustained Injuries
victim regenerated
Result added March 22nd, 2011

Match notes
Twice as many addicts fans showed up as Dark Fans, but only half on them must have paid.
Goblins reieves, but Dark Side makes a Quick Snap.
Clad Swine-Raider gets the ball, Keen-eye Hailbomb throws a bomb, but without effect.
Buzz Aldrin blitzes and killd Brick Bazooka, but he regenerates.

The Goblins hold onto the ball, despite 1 troll is in the reserves box, and 2 goblins are KO with only 1 elf KO.

That leaves place for 6 elves to team up and KO Mr & Mrs Payne. The Goblins then KO 2 elves.
Keen-eye Hailbomb throws a bomb which is intercepted by Richard Gordon, who attempts a pass back, but the bomb is then intercepted by Jock Stinkyfeet, but the 3rd bombpass is inaccurate, and blows down Jock Stinkyfeet himself along with Frank Borman.
James Lowell dodges through some tacklezones, knocksdown Flatface Neverfall, and the ball bounces.
Fighting, Flatface Neverfall gets the ball, and makes a Hail Mary Pass which is caught by Clad Swine-Raider.
Clad Swine-Raider is Badly Hurt, Mike Collins gets the ball and makes a completetion to Richard Gordon, who though needed some team training to catch the ball. He then fails a dodge in an attempt to make a handoff to Valentina Tereshkova.

2nd Half.
Elves recieve a High Kick. Frank Borman fails the catch, while Horkon Hearthripper stabs journeyman and Brick Bazooka Knocking Out journeyman.
Frank Borman gets the ball, and passes it to Mike Collins, who makes a handoff to Valentina Tereshkova, who runs further downfield. With no goblins within reach, Valentina Tereshkova scores a Touchdown.

Goblins recieves the kickoff, Wumph Headball cant figure out how to blitz Horkon Hearthripper, and thus leaves two goblins to his dagger afterwards, where Butch Meathook is Knocked Out.

Buzz Aldrin blitz and Badly Hurts Biggum Flodrot, while Flatface Neverfall makes a Hail Mary to a cage, from which the ball trajectory makes it scatter out before it lands, and is grabbed by Mike Collins, who passes it to Valentina Tereshkova who runs down next to the endzone.

Frank Borman Badly Hurts journeyman, Brick Bazooka fumble a goblin missile meant for the ballcarrier. Touchdown to Valentina Tereshkova.

Next drive.
James Lowell Badly Hurts Butch Meathook, Mike Collins gets the ball and makes a completetion to Niel Armstrong.
Brick Bazooka Badly Hurts Horkon Heartripper, Jock Stinkyfeet is Knocked Out in a failed dodge, tackled by James Lowell.
Niel Armstrong makes a handoff to Buzz Aldrin, who pass it on to Valentina Tereshkova, who scores another touchdown.

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