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Niel Armstrong

Niel ArmstrongBounty of 50 kgp
Dark Elf Blitzer,
Dark side of the Moon team retired

   Roster number: 1  

Value: 210,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 5
Touchdowns: 15
Casualties: 32  (8 were kills!)
MVP awards: 4
Star Player Points: 134
Top Killer: Season XXXl

MA ST AG AV Skills
7 3 4 8 Block, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Fend, Side Step, Tackle

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Dark side of the Moon has retired team retired --.
Was awarded extra MVP for winning group A of season XXX
There is a bounty of Bounty50 000 gp on this player's head.
He has allways been no. 1, and he allways will be. That's the way it is.

As the teams top casualty inflicter, he had to learn "mighty blow" as his first skill. So he made a roll of double 5.

Veteran after his 10'th match, where he became a pretty good dodger.

Emerging star after match 13, now with "fend"

He was not meant to play the game Dark side of the Moon - Villainous Vermin (Season XXIX, 1/4-final) due to a MNG, but recovered and played like he had something to prove. For that, he learned "side step"

Now training to learn "tackle"

Inflicted Smashed knee against Miami Mikkel the 3rd and killed Sewerhead in the same match Dark side of the Moon - Warpstone Cowboys (Season XXVII, round 4)
Inflicted kill against No name (healed by apo)
Inflicted smashed ankle against Ole Gormson
Inflicted kill against Butch Meathook (healed by apo)
Killed Hans Dragendorff
Inflicted 2 kill's in the same match Dark side of the Moon - Witchburg Steelers (Season XXXl, Round 6), against Hinesle Ward (apo=serious concussion) and Ramona Foster (apo=badly hurt)
Killed Butch Meathook #2
Inflicted Fractured skull against Big Bird 4
Killed Anna 3

Our apo healed him from fractured skull inflicted by Grigori Rasputin in the match Dark side of the Moon - Scum of the Earth (Season XXVII, round 5)

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Coach Prize

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