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Warpstone Cowboys

Race:  Chaos Renegades
Coach:  Thorndal
co-coach:  Peter R
Kills made by Team Apothecary: 2.

Warpstone Cowboys team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Oct. 5th, 2011 - old news
A devious plan
After several weeks with declining performances Coach Pete of the Warpstone Cowboys took the consequence and decided to have two of the teams supposed "Stars" killed. A thanks goes out to the coaches(and players) of Dark side of the Moon and Double Dodgers for helping with the killing of Tampa Bay Jeppe v. 3.0 and Tex Longhorn.

Hopefully this trimming of the team, will make the rest of the guys step up and be ready for the last and potentially decisive crossover match.
- Peter R
Sep. 7th, 2011 - old news
Fighting Thac0's Equals
The new season started last night and brought about a match against Thac0's kin. Fearing Thac0 might have mixed loyalties Coach Texans Pete decided against fielding him today, simply leaving him in the dugout.
Hopefully Thac0 learned the value of his changed allegiance in a hardplayed match, where nothing seemed to work for the hard fighting goblins of Addicted Lunatics Clan who ultimately saw defeat by the score of 2-1 and another serious injury to perhaps the slowest goblin alive Biggum Flodrot
- Peter R
Sep. 14th, 2009 - old news
Season starts with a win
The season is well under way with a win for the Warpstone Cowboys. The first victory was secured after a long and hard fight against MJ's Runnaz and the stupidity of Brown Belly and boneheadedness of Bigtooth Martin. But thanks to the skills of Four-Eyes and Tampa Bay Jeppe, the Warpstone Cowboys got their well deserved victory.
SPECIAL NOTE: The team decided to give the MVP of the Match to Thac0, because he survived the first match.
- Thorndal
Tournaments played:
Season XXIII, Season XXIV, Season XXVI, Season XXVII, Season XXVIII
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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