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Match result

season XII, 1/8-final
Team badge
Silverado Snakeskins

gate: 53 000
5 TD score 4
cas score
Team badge
Sindarin Lords


profile Adam retired
profile Darien dead
profile Darien dead
profile Adam retired
profile Silent Opposistion retired
TD Scorers
profile Haldir
profile Daeros the Dancer dead
profile Daeros the Dancer dead
profile Haldir
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
profile Gucci retired
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers
profile Legolas Greenleaf Bounty (20000 gp) dead
profile Eol
profile Andir of Lorien dead

profile Dr. Klawfinger retired
Completions By
profile Beleg Cathalion retired
profile Beleg Cathalion retired
profile Beleg Cathalion retired
Interceptions By

profile Gucci retired
MVP awards to
profile Andir of Lorien dead
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
profile George retired
Miss Next Game

profile Lucifer retired
Niggling Injury
Result added April 21st, 2004

Match notes
A truly exiting match, that was not decided untill the last turn of overtime. 24 turns is what it took, before the Silent Opposistion could run it in for the 5-4 result. For a long time it looked as if the Lords would prevail, but in the end the Snakeskins proved to be the right bet.

The regular game ended 3-3 and was exiting with both teams succeeding in most of what they tried, and always positioning themselves well. The Sandarin Lords looked the best team in that phase, and it was only due to an illegal procedure in turn 8, that kept them from leading at halftime.

The snakeskins coach said after the game: The most rewarding win of my career. I have won some incredible turn 16 hail mary, 20 dodge with no re-roll type of games, but this one was well played, and so tense it was very hard indeed to keep sitting down. I looked beat during the overtime, but we have that Silent Opposistion, and they just do not see him coming!

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Coach Prize

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