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Legolas Greenleaf

Legolas GreenleafBounty of 20 kgpdead
Sindarin Lords team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 2
Touchdowns: 7
Casualties: 5
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 38
MA ST AG AV Skills
8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tackle

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Sindarin Lords - Headz'n'Tailzz (season XIII, round 7)
and Headz'n'Tailzz BBC took the 20 000 gp bounty.
From the woodland kingdom once known as Greenwood comes one the lords newest addition. He is nimple, but strong and fierce. He has great love for the dwarves, greater than many other elves, even for man he has compassion. Orcslayer he has been called, because of the two knockout he made in the two first rounds he ever played. That was against Zola^bb.

Legolas was brought in to support legendary lords player. Mablung, but after he journeyed west it seems that his replacement Haldir, has taken up where he left, and that legolas still only is second best.

Legolas was the first player in the team to get a bounty on his head.

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