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Match result

Season XXV, round 4
Chaos Renegades logo
no custom badge
Sesame Street

gate: 21 000
2 TD score 0
cas score
Goblin logo
no custom badge
Addicted Lunatics Clan


Andrea dead
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)

Murray Bounty (20000 gp)
Murray Bounty (20000 gp)
Kyllingen dead
Badly Hurt'ers
Serious Injurers

Baby Bear dead
profile Wumph Headball

Andrea dead
Baby Bear dead
Andrea dead
Completions By
profile Jock Stinkyfeet
Interceptions By

Big bird retired
MVP awards to
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
Miss Next Game

Baby Bear dead
Result added November 12th, 2010

Match notes
It was a different team than usual that shoved up to fight against the Sesame Street team today.
After the loss of following keyplayers during the last 3 matches
Squint-Eye Nosepeeker & Grok Wipeknocker during Addicted Lunatics Clan - Dead Diggers (Season XXV, round 5)
Insaniac Whiney & Frelsh Aircheese during Addicted Lunatics Clan - Kortben & Ko (Season XXV, cross-over 3)
The head coach decided to make some changes to the team.
Several other players were now missing.
Grumblesneez Gluzzmunz
Flapsear Starfly
Sparky Wheezzzzwiz
Skirk The Prospector
Nozzy Nobbs

When asked where they were, the response were that they were “Retired”.
We have discovered that this phrase is goblin language means “relocated to tire duty”, as the missing players are now being used as “tires” on the Addicts team wagon.
Actually it never had any tires at all, and it is actually a big couch rather than a wagon (which have just been built for the purpose), which is dragged around by the now “retired“ players, so the actual players don’t have to damage their precious feet, and it is the worst shame for former players to endure.
And if they should ever be to tired and unable to carry their weight, they will be “retired” to trollsmeal.

After having ”Retired” some players from active fighting duty for the first time, The Addicts plan to work on reaqquiring their former wealth, as they are almost broke, and haven’t made more than 10k for the last two matches, and such they were unable to keep up with their oath to put a bounty on all who kills a teammember (permanent that is, as in a killing a permanent teammember permanently).

They have now gone back to their first plan from when the team were created, which is by using voluntary players (journeymen) to take the worst beating, while maintaining the team expenses by keeping only the most important players without too many injuries(unless they have any special personal abilities worth having).

So here we had 11 Goblin Addicts ready to face 12 Sesame players.
Even though they did their best, they had not had the time to adjust to the changes, and all team plans were had to be revised (except the primary plan which can be found among the
Team Description).

The fouling went fine, and the Troll.. hrm I am corrected, i mean the big goblin Wumph Headball did a good job. But the Sesame players did better, BH the following 6 goblins, Biggum Flodrot, Flatface Neverfall, Foulslime Sickbreaker, Mr & Mrs Payne and two journeygoblins during the first 4 turns of the match.
When Keen-eye Hailbomb were expelled after 1st half, and another journeygoblin were killed in the beginning of the first half, not much could be done except Jock Stinkyfeet managed to train a little with his passing skills.

But the plan worked, as even though they gained the least amount of money available (10k), they got a helping sponsoring of 30k from the Fungus Couch Company.

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