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Match result

Season XXIV, round 1
Team badge
Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd

gate: 33 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
The Dead Diggers


profile Arthur C. Clarke Jr.
TD Scorers
P.V. Glob dead
P.V. Glob dead
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
Hans Reinerth dead
Serious Injurers

profile Niels Bohr Jr.
mercenary / fans / random event
Completions By
Peter Paulsen Bounty (200000 gp)
Interceptions By

profile Holger Bech Nielsen Jr.
MVP awards to
von Ungern-Sternberg dead
Sustained Injuries

profile Alfred Nobel Jr. dead
victim healed by apoth
victim regenerated
Result added February 10th, 2010

Match notes
TV2 came of to a good start with a 3rd troll on the LoS (Ripper). Soon both of DD's mummies were stunned. And in a few turns the three trolls had surrounded P.V. Glob, the only player who could reach blodging gobo Johannes Kepler Jr., who where now in scoring reach.

But that was not a problem for P.V. Glob. He dodged to Johannes Kepler Jr., through his and a trolls TZ, took him down with his superior strength, on the needed clean, dodged away, then moved to the ball lying in another gobos TZ, used his sure hands to grab the ball, dodged away and pushed it a single time, before another Ghoul dodged free to protect him…

Before this the coach of DD had been wining, but after that it turned around, and there was no way to stop the strong and fast sure hands blodger, and he scored with two turns to go.

However, the only cas inflicted was when mummy Hans Reinerth took down chainsaw wielder Holger Bech Nielsen Jr. BH, and thus TV2 could keep their other secret weapon in the game with a bribe (Stephen Hawking Jr. who awoke from a KO) and still had enough players to keep secret weapons of the pitch for that last two turns.

In 2nd half the trolls did nothing right, and neither did the bombardier Robert Oppenheimer Jr.. Also a foul by Heinrich Schlieman killed Alfred Nobel Jr.. Later a hungry Niels Bohr Jr. almost ate Ole Rømer the 2nd, The gobo did squirm free, but then he was killed when he hit the ground. Luckily for him the hired apo saved his life.

And then when the bombardier tried to blow P.V. Glob with the ball away, the bomb exploded in his hands, KOing him, and taking down hired troll Ripper.

After that P.V. Glob scored the winning TD for 0-2.

In the end of the half, the gobos tried once again to get ahead in the now pouring rain. A touch back gave the ball to saved player Ole Rømer the 2nd. But the cage was not closed, as yet another fast ghoul, C.J.Thomsen, dodged and pushed it all he could and took down the ball carrier. Luckily the ball then bounced to Ripper who caught it in the rain.

He then ran forward, and next turn he managed to hand it to Arthur C. Clarke Jr. who pushed it all he could to reduce to 1-2. The result of the match.

A last turn chance to tie for the gobos, was a long shot, but before they tried hurling a gobo down pitch, Niels Bohr Jr. managed to kill a zombie (W. Flinders Petrie did manage to regenerate though.) But from that he learned his 2nd skill.

The MVP went to chainsaw Holger Bech Nielsen Jr. who learned his first skill, and to von Ungern-Sternberg.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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