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Niels Bohr Jr.

Niels Bohr Jr.
Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd team retired

   Roster number: 15  

Value: 160,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 9  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 28
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 5 1 9 Loner, Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Always Hungry, Really Stupid, Throw Team-Mate, Pro, Juggernaut

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd has retired team retired --.
The father of Niels Bohr Jr. was Niels Bohr who made fundamental contributions to understanding the atomic structure and the development of quantum mechanics.

However, Jr. here, may not be so gifted in the thinking department, but maybe he can make his father proud on the BB field?

Received the teams first MVP

Was the first troll to get injurd (BH) in the 4th match. But regenerated it (as the first to succede in this of course). When he came back for 2nd half he was very angry and made the trolls only 2nd casualty (his first). He thus became the first troll to learn something on the team. And now he is a pro! :D

Became the first to make two casualties in one match (the fifth) and then even on the same dwarf, Bartok Earchewer, who after having been saved from a SI by the apotech came up to the LoS again... But this time it was only a BH so he was lucky!

With two more cas in round 6 he will soon learn new skills.

He had to wait for the next season, but at the end of the first match he made his 6th cas and the teams first kill by a block (it was on a zombie and it regenerated). And thus he learned to be a juggernaut.

Not his best match in round 2, but he did throw Alfred Nobel the 2nd down pitch with the ball for the teams first flying TD! And we won that match!

At the end of round 3 he took him self down along with Krox Dumbo but came out worse when he was BH. He did regenerate though, and the match was won.

Round 5: BH troll Brown Belly.

In round 9 (played before round 7) he BH the opposing Troll This Is It twice; he only regenerated the first time :-)

SI in round 7 by Torsten Tumpe who smahed his ankle. Luckily the apotech could set it right, and keep him playing next match.

Jr. was on the roster for the teams' first match.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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