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Johannes Kepler Jr.

Johannes Kepler Jr.
Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd team retired

   Roster number: 5  

Value: 90,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 3
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 16
MA ST AG AV Skills
5 2 3 7 Stunty, Right Stuff, Dodge, Block, Side Step

Sustained Injuries: -MA


-- Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd has retired team retired --.
The father of Johannes Kepler Jr. was Johannes Kepler, who was mainly known for his laws of planetary motion.

While, Jr. here, may not be so gifted in the thinking department, he at least doesn't revolve around him self as another fanatic, and thus he hopes to make his father proud on the BB pitch.

Was the first gobo to loose a point of movement (in the 2nd match). He earned the MVP for this and then when he came back in the 4th match he took his vengance out on a poor beastman Novorim who lost some agility. For this he learned to block even better!

Had a good round 3, taking down the ball carrier once. But when trying to do that again he failed a dodge and was BH.

Although he were showed of pitch towards the end of the half, he has already showed a blitzer out to a BH in the crowd, and for that he received the MVP.

Had a perfect start to round 7 when he SI Søren Snot and BH Kurt Klam in conseccutive blitzes. He learned side step from that, and was also in scoring position at the end of the match! But even with out that TD it was a 1-0 win for TV2!

BH by Zuth Earthbreaker in round 8.

Jr. was on the roster for the teams' first match.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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