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Match result

Season XXII, round 9
Human logo
no custom badge
Blue Fox

gate: 29 000
0 TD score 4
cas score
Team badge
Silverado Snakeskins

TD Scorers
profile Wintersmith dead
Eater of Souls retired
Lord of the Damned
Eater of Souls retired
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
Arne Friedrich retired
Godfried Schieber
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Wintersmith dead
profile Wintersmith dead

Arne Friedrich retired
Serious Injurers
profile Kimpelflękker Bounty (20000 gp)

Godfried Schieber

Frank Ulreich dead
Completions By
profile The Morning Star dead
profile Wayward Son Bounty (30000 gp)
profile Wayward Son Bounty (30000 gp)
Interceptions By

Frank Ulreich dead
MVP awards to
profile The Fifth Elephant
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
-1 AV
-1 AG
victim healed by apoth
profile Mr. Shine dead
Result added April 11th, 2009

Match notes
right from the get-go this match seemed destined to be exiting. in turn 1 Arne Friedrich SI'ed a skink, and the apo was called to perform emergency surgery. Unfortunately that meant that he was absent in turn 2 and 3 where two sauri were badly hurt and killed respectively. In the meantime Silverado Snakeskins scored a Saurus TD as the ball had scattered off court at the kick off. When Blue Fox received the ball they defended their catcher and got him far downfield before he fell on a GFI, a lot of skinks rushed to the scene and got the ball, handed it off to another skink and it was 2-0... from then on it was all about Silverado Snakeskins and with 3-0 at halftime it could have gone a lot worse for the humans if hey hadn't defended well, and taken a lot of chances to keep the skinks away. All in all a well played match where the dodging skinks were just too much to handle for a team without tackle...

Key stats:
4(!) times a human dodged away from diving tackle and it worked every time
a total of 0 fouls comitted
both teams big guy spent 4 turns or more being stupid

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Coach Prize

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