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Match result

season VIII, round 2
Team badge
The Halfdead Clawkillers

gate: 58 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Blight Lurkers


Niels H.J. retired
Niels H.J. retired
TD Scorers
profile "Tornado" ZoneRunner dead
Foulers (no cas)

Bi S.A. Hall of Fame dead
Badly Hurt'ers
profile "Steg" ToeSmasher dead

Bi S.A. Hall of Fame dead
Michael J.S. retired
Serious Injurers
profile "Steg" ToeSmasher dead

Bi S.A. Hall of Fame dead
Bi S.A. Hall of Fame dead
Morten B.P. dead

Svin Blood retired
Completions By
profile "Dead Metal" Blade dead
profile "Dead Metal" Blade dead
Interceptions By

Rolf H. Bounty (10000 gp) retired
MVP awards to
profile "Diotior" Firefur dead
Sustained Injuries
Niggling Injury
profile "Sgt Bash" Warpfire
profile "Dead Metal" Blade dead
profile "Indefatigable" John Dow dead
profile "Steg" ToeSmasher dead
Result added April 22nd, 2002

Match notes
This match were a slaughter for the poor Lurkers, as two of their teammates died in it, even though their Ratogre "Steg" ToeSmasher manaed to seriously injure his killer in the fall but their chaotic sorcery healed him, but nothing could be done for poor Steg.
One player though survived even when he had been pronounced dead twice due to a typing fault, it was a rat named "Mouse Trap" Traitor, and that mistake had to wait until Season XI to be fixed and "Indefatigable" John Dow were finally recoqniced as a part of the team.
The team still waits to recover from the loss of "Steg" ToeSmasher.
Maybe they will return at a time, rumours says it will be around Season XIII.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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