Mouse Trap would litteraly do anything to avoid getting hurt which gained his nickname Traitor, which he got for always guiding his fellow teammates into the arms of the opponents, and sometimes aiding them a bit with the help of a foot and a push to stop opponents reaching him.
Retired to assistant coach, as
Injury Avoidance Expert, along with the other eksperienced players. Later promoted to Apoth as well.
"Razer" Nails, Defence Specialist
"HypnoDisc" Spinner, Head of Charge Running
"Shunt" The Piercer, Interception and Ballhandling
"S.M.I.D.S.Y" Fowler, Kickemwhentheyrdown Master.
One match long ago though his actions ended up getting him into trouble, he had been using his usual tactics when he suddenly realized that he were alone, since all his other teammates were either knocked down or had moved away and left him alone with 2-3 giggling attackers, who beat him up so badly that he believes he can still feel the punches once in a while and decides to stay in his dark hole where he feels safe!
With the preparations to Season XI (before the team were convinced to resign by The Renegades) “Mousetrap” Traitor had been complaining about the fact that none of his teammates seemed to notice him (if they can be called that since he always makes sure they get hurt instead of him), neither did anyone else, even his locker in the teams dugout had been emptied and his name removed from the cabinet he had used in Season VIII.
After some investigation it seems that “Mouse Trap” Traitor had been pronounced dead (twice) after the game against Halfdead Clawkillers, and had been buried next to the Ratogre
"Steg" ToeSmasher who also died in that match.
But when the Head Coach could see that “Mouse Trap” were still alive, who had then been buried after that game so many seasons ago, the papers were checked and it seems that it were so early in the teams history (and that he were only a linerat) that he had never been put down as part of the team only as “?”, the teammates had not cared, they thought he had just been a fan or Freebooter.
He were only recently known as
"Indefatigable" John Dow.