This Slann Team earlier resided in The Old World Swamps where they as a sacrifice to the Old Ones competed in severel quests in the sport of Blood Bowl as it is known to the outer world. The Renegades left The Holy Land to venture out into the, (to them unknown) Outer World to fight in Blood Bowl for honour and glory! They found the right place in the Aros Blood Bowl League where they will fight for the honour of the Great Slann, although someiomes they use rather weird tactics! Team.
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Bulletin board from the coach
Apr. 13th, 2004 - old news
With our recentt losss to Dark Minions of Naggaroth, we are no longer part of thiss sseassonn, and such we are preparing our leave to our ssacred place where we will train harder than ever, and when ready we will once again in future sseassonss return to thiss league.
- Thomas M
Mar. 24th, 2004 - old news
"Alssso i will addd that if it werree not forr my asssisstant coachh Bignose Scaly thingss would have been dirree for ourr next matchh, his coachingg helpss our playrss keep goingg, even though they arree pounded" "Thatss one thingg i cannot say about our apothhh"
- Thomas M
Mar. 24th, 2004 - old news
"My playersss did not fight well today, many injuredd, but they were good with tha ball." "Snow and Rain helped much, helped uss not to loose match, but also withheld uss from winning when Ssilibili failed to pick it up for a winning passs to Tiamat Twister." "Sweltering heat could have helped in the end, but rain would not stopp. but that wass not worrsst, many fans left angry of our failss to injure the chaos beastsss, they werrerr not happy with matchh" "Alssoo the two Mosst Valuablee Playerss did nothingg in matchh"
- Thomas M
Mar. 17th, 2004 - old news
Welll we losst once morre, but thiss time we made a lassting impressssion on them they will remember, thiss time the players did not caare fore the ball, and played horribly, but they were eagerr to hit them elvess, espically Daviel Malign and Narmacil the poisener wont forget uss for ssome time, we will get them harder nexxt tiime, and defeat them for once.. next tiime.
What happened with Nīkari Ironstar could not be helped, but sometimes when this craving for headss comes over Kothoga "Beast" Slowitz, he cannot be stopped.
Old "Drool" Draken also shoved improvements, since he would now appear for the match without ekstra payments. Unfortunately he might not last the season out, the strain of fighting are overcoming him, and now he just hopes he will get a chance to meet many more darkelves to kill while he can.