Season start a disaster! (from Handbags and Loafers)
The snakeskins LOST their season opener against the Greyhavien Renegades with a singin 5-4 defeat. This is the second time the snakeskins has met Greyhavien Renegades, last time it was a draw and last time a defeat, which is totally unacceptable for the champions who furthermore did not have the trophy present at the game. "I think it had a lot to do with that" Said Dr. Kronborg after the game "I think if we had the trophy present we would have won maybe 4-0 or somthing like that, yes, the trophy... that was it!"
It was the first game since Adam, Rex and Baron Fritz retired from the snakeskins, and the lack of experience showed. The team was fumbling, and couldn't pick up the ball. The new Krox didn't show much and even with a four td game, they couldn't win. Silverado Snakeskins is still one of only three teams that has never not scored in a game, but that doesn't matter if the opponent scores more than you do, then Greyhavien Renegades did just that. The Fifth Elefant was one of the games profiles, and after the game he said it best: "If you like to bash people around - and we do - and you still getta four TD game, you gotta be da winner or else you just a big fat loosa... wait wonna dem seconds - I isn't not a loosa - WHO YOU CALL A LOOSA?"