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Match result

season XI, round 8
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Back Breakers

gate: 44 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Apple Pie Mayhem


Jens Jensen
TD Scorers
profile Gark’n’Dork retired
profile Pinky Puddleshore dead
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Jones Samson
Jones Samson
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Gark’n’Dork retired

Sven Bryn
Serious Injurers
profile Sego Beefbunker dead

Jones Samson
Bo "Hammer" Dormte

Completions By
Interceptions By

Gunnar Lyn Bounty (50000 gp)
MVP awards to
Frerry Fairfoot
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Chubby Merrychap

Wagner Tve Skæg
-1 AV
victim healed by apoth
profile Sego Beefbunker dead
Result added November 26th, 2003

Match notes
Halflings believe in happy endings - and their last game of the season certainly qualified as one of them...
Tummy Paunch made yet another heroic play in the first half when a dwarven runner thought he stood safely at the sideline with protection from a blitzer and a longbeard. However, Tummy "the Blimp" Paunch managed to knock down the dwarf (three-dice block: two double knock down and a push back) and the ball went into the stands. A bunch of halfling fans threw the ball downfield towards the dwarven endzone (12 paces) - and suddenly a sure td for the dwarfs turned into a disastrous situation. Gark’n’Dork then had one of his brighter moments and thought "Hey - if I take that tiny stouted fellow beside me and hurl him down da field - we might get one of those tuz-durn thingies...!" And so he did - Pinky Puddleshore went flying and landed perfectly, picked up the ball and ran in for the td. 1-0 and what a shocker for the dwarfs.
The Back Breakers did, however, manage to score before halftime so the score was 1-1 at the half time snack whistle.
Apparently most of the Apple Pie Mayhem fans thought that the entire game was over and they came running onto the field (riot 5 turns!!!). Coach Scwabisch von Gugelhupf claims that it was not planned but from the grin on his face after the game we are not quite sure about that. Anyway after several block and blitzes and a fumbled throw the ball scattered and was suddenly caught by a surprised Gark’n’Dork. He did not quite know what to do about that - but when the entire squad (including the several players in the KO'd and injury box), the fans, the coach and team apoth Porky Choppa were all yelling "RUN THAT WAY, GARK, THAT WAY!!!" - surprisingly he knew what to do - he made the blitz (knocking down a troll slayer) and after that he dodged like a wardancer and went running like he had never run before - and what do you know he made the game-winning td!!! HOW ABOUT THAT 2-1!!! And who said miracles don't happen?
A perfect way to end the season - and yet again the chubby little fellows made it to the off-season

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Coach Prize

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