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Match result

season X, round 4
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Slann Renegades

gate: 48 000
0 TD score 1
cas score
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BBC Drakwald Convicts

TD Scorers
profile Blitz Ernst
Foulers (no cas)

profile Suitcase Sooki
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Morgul Necksnapper retired
Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Dragon Breath
Completions By
profile Gorack Mcverk
Interceptions By

Kothoga "Beast" Slowitz Bounty (30000 gp)
MVP awards to
profile Blitz Ernst
Sustained Injuries
profile Inmate Bob dead
Result added March 11th, 2003

Match notes
Convicts Extincts Reptiles

In the match against the renegade reptiles, Drakwald Convicts fossilise a narrow victory 1-0 and scales the chart.
The Match: 1. half was mainly owned by the Convicts, and the winning TD came in the 1’st and 8’th. A skink and the big kroxigor was neutralized.
2. half started well off and Blitz Ernst took his second run towards the endzone in the 2’nd and 3’rd for a promissing 2-0 lead.

Now, the table turned. ‘What the coach has refered too as ‘the big down’ started with Morgul. He tried to take a seemingly helpless Skink out and found himself facedown, barely avoiding injury.
next followed:
Blitz Ernst was caught by something as rare as a ‘dodging’ Saurus, forced off pitch an into the crowd.
Blocker Abdul was Badly hurt, Rocko had no time to make position and was also off-fielded.

Then the upcoming ‘Inmate Bob’ was killed after singlehanded taking on a Saurus.

More fatal blocks...

Untill: A skink ready and able to run for a tie, decided to give ‘da ball-thing’ to a Saurus, for him to score.
The Convicts made their last move led by Mongo, and on the virge of total ruin, ripped victory right out of jaws of disaster.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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