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Match result

Season XXXl, Round 4
Goblin logo
no custom badge
Addicted Lunatics Clan

gate: 31 000
0 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Deadwood Blights

TD Scorers
Torment Decant
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
Badly Hurt'ers
Torment Decant

mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers
Zhagra Bonesplinter
Meat #4 Bounty (20000 gp)

Kip Killigan
Major Chip Hazard #2
Completions By
Interceptions By

Major Chip Hazard #2
MVP awards to
Torment Decant
Sustained Injuries

profile Brick Bazooka #2
Miss Next Game
-1 MA
victim regenerated
-1 ST
Shamgar Bloodsnarl retired

Nick Nitro dead
Result added September 24th, 2013

Match notes
Another pitiful performance from Deadwood Blights. It is clear that the players simply feel they donīt have to put energy into the game - and in bloodbowl that is costly.
After Bloated fumbled the ball thrice Shamgar Bloodsnarl also took it too easy with the ball and failed to pick it up too. Thus ending the first half 0-0. And allowing the Addicted Lunatics Clan to have Kip Killigan for the 2nd half - instead of just a short appearence.
He thanked fully for this and cut up both players who had caused this situation in the first place. Even as the undead scored in turn 4 of the 2nd half forcing the Goblins to play 5 vs 11they still managed to mock up everything in such a degree they didnīt score there either..

All in all it is getting harder and harder to see how theis team should regain their title..

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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