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Match result

Season XXVIII, round 4
Team badge
Double Dodgers

gate: 34 000
1 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Scum of the Earth


Morten Nielsen dead
TD Scorers
Strauss Khan dead
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event

Carl Mar Bounty (50000 gp)
Serious Injurers
profile Doc. Satan
profile Doc. Satan
profile Doc. Satan
profile Michael Myers dead

Dynamit-Harry dead
Dynamit-Harry dead
profile Grigori Rasputin

Dieter Gold
Dieter Gold
Completions By
Interceptions By

Karl Pedersen
MVP awards to
profile Doc. Satan
Sustained Injuries

Ingolf Mar von Laffe dead
Miss Next Game
Niggling Injury
victim regenerated

victim healed by apoth
-1 MA

Dr.Oetker dead
victim regenerated
victim regenerated
Result added March 1st, 2012

Match notes
Lots of fans from both teams came to se this rematch of last years finale, though Scums fans where the loudest.
With perfect nice weather it promised to be a good match. Scum had cut some underhanded deal and for a one game only promotionel game for the latest design in brassnuckles Star Lord Borak took to the field for the scums.

The game started with a roar from the fans as Doc. Satan ripped out the spleen of some newly recuted human lineman almost before the balleven landed.
The rest of the 1 half went pretty much the same way, Nurgle worshippers beating up humans, with the ekception of Dynamit-Harry, who found time to try and kill 2 pestigors (they both regenerated)
Late in the first Strauss Khan where showing of his breakdance moves right in front of the Dodgers endzone (and fans) while holding the ball and taunting the crowd, untill he where pushed in for the score by the Human QB, clealy tired of him showboating.
In their last turn of the half Dodgers tried a oneturn but the catcher where to tired and fell over pretty fast.

2 half the normaly slow Scums came out blitzing and where realy pressing Dodgers untill a failed dodge from Ed Gain opend up a (small) hole witch then 3 humans ran through, and managed to stall 3 turns untill forced to score.

Scums could, with 3 turns left, had scored a winning TD if not Ed gain failled to pick up the ball.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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