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Match result

Season XXVI, cross-over 7
Team badge
Death Extravagante

gate: 37 000
3 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
Army Of Lovers


profile Narquelle Venomblade
profile Bael Stormwrath Bounty (40000 gp)
profile Bael Stormwrath Bounty (40000 gp)
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)

profile El´Tael Darksun
profile Achare Lifebane Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Bubba Bonehead Bounty (50000 gp) dead
profile Svend Sved Bounty (130000 gp)
Serious Injurers

profile Morvian Hellstrike Bounty (30000 gp) dead

profile Armathor Bloodslaker dead
Completions By
Interceptions By

profile Xaran Escreem dead
MVP awards to
Joan-Røv dead
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
Topper Toothfairy dead
Result added April 19th, 2011

Match notes
Death Extravagante came with 25.000 of the 37.000 fans for this match - and they witnessed a truly inspired game from the Elves in bright sunshine.
They started by kicking a short kick followed up by a surpricing blitz against the slow Orcs. Getting hold of the ball before it hit the ground - and shortly after 1-0. After this fast score the Orcs knew it would be a hard game - especially since the many fend Elves removed their best weapon of destruction. Now the Orc coach laid all hope on the Orcish superthrower Jimi Grydehår. However he messed around with the ball first failing to pick it up, then fumbling the pass and shortly after the Elves had the ball in their hands. And despite heavily Orcish pressure including the wizard to avoid the second score and a definitive loss in the end Bael Stormwrath could leap into the EZ where the ball had ended up and picked the ball up in a TZ.

The second half started with the ELves making two takeouts, including the kill on Topper Toothfairy who after a heavy amount of consideration was tried to be saved by the apotech. At that time however he had already passed away from his injuries. The Elves slowly but securely drove downfield before scoring a secure TD for the convincing 3-0 win.

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Coach Prize

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