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Army Of Lovers

Race:  Orc
Coach:  Per
After having taken part in a teapeutic group for people with low selfconfidence, the group decided to continue their progress. With FC Zulu as inspiration, they formed the blood bowl team called Army of Lovers. Wearing their new latex-suits they feel ready to take on anyone. Now they only need some nice and cute cheerleaders (or just anyone resembling a female) willing to date with the players.

Army Of Lovers team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Season XVII, Season XVIII, Season XIX, Season XX, Season XXI, Season XXII, Season XXIII, Season XXIV, Season XXVI, Season XXIX, Season XXX, Season XXXIII, Season XXXVII
Trophies won:
Championship: Season XXIII
Most Leathal Team: Season XXVI



Current Champions
Coach Prize

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