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Match result

Season XXVI, round 2
Norse logo
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North Wind

gate: 14 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Reincarnated Librarians

TD Scorers
DeWey Mcgraw dead
DeWey Mcgraw dead
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
Serious Injurers
Butter Fingers retired
mercenary / fans / random event
Completions By
Cutter Mcgraw retired
Butter Fingers retired
Interceptions By

profile Hjalf Úlfhrafn
MVP awards to
Ben Franklin retired
Sustained Injuries

profile Hrotghar Handaxe dead
Miss Next Game

Skjold Skullcracker dead
Result added February 23rd, 2011

Match notes
In this game North Wind again showed that they are in fact, not an agility team, first by failing a short pass (with their thrower) for a potential TD, and later in the match by failing a "simple" dodge, again for a TD.

Their blocking skills, however, proved quite adequate though, failing only once throughout the entire match. Unfortunately the Vikings didn't quite know how to harm these undead creatures, so once again they had to walk from the field without blood on their hands :(

On the other side of things, the Reincarnated Librarians started by gaining the fans favor, when they granted them the kill of Skjold Skullcracker. A few turns later they cruised in for their first TD (DeWey Mcgraw). It was on the vikings failed attempt this half that Butter Fingers fractured the jaw of Hrotghar Handaxe.

During the next half North Wind again tried to move the ball up the field, hoping for a score to draw the match. However this only resulted in the before mentioned failed dodge, and during the next turns norseman after norseman was knocked out untill only 3 remained on the field. In a last desperate move, Hrotghar Handaxe blitzed Butter Fingers hoping to get next to the ball, but in his blood frenzy he tripped over his own feet, allowing Butter Fingers to calmly pick up the ball and pass it to DeWey Mcgraw who then ran the TD in to end the match!

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