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Match result

Season XXV, round 1
Human logo
no custom badge
Blue Fox

gate: 33 000
1 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Silverado Snakeskins


profile Jürgen Fink
TD Scorers
profile The First
Foulers (no cas)

Godfried Schieber
Gerhard Tremmel dead
Godfried Schieber
schnell hansi dead
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Child of Nuggan
Serious Injurers
profile The Fifth Elephant

Ralf Schnitzel

josef schnitzler
Completions By
profile Fallen Angel dead
Interceptions By

Fritz Schweinsteiger dead
MVP awards to
profile Kimpelflękker Bounty (20000 gp)
Sustained Injuries

Luke Waffe retired
Miss Next Game

victim healed by apoth
Frank Ulreich dead
Niggling Injury
Slightly Evil dead
Result added September 26th, 2010

Match notes
A game where the snakeskis had the chance to take hold of the game, but just simply didn't execute when they had to.

Blue Fox received the ball, and despite trying to take the ball away, the snakeskins could not stop a 1st half td. The snakeskins got the ball back, and got a quick turn 8 td. 1-1 at the half.

In the second half, the Slightly Evil forgot he had ag 4, catch and sure feet. In fact he was convinced he was the no-skills First Sin until he was killed. Hence he dropped a pass on a 2, didn't use his catch, and after he picked up the ball, didn't run into the endzone because he forgot he had sure feet. That meant that the foxes got an opportunity to pummel on the skinks for 8 turns, and all of Silverado Snakeskins skinks left the field. Despite a saurus getting the ball and standing 3 squares from the endzone in turn 16 the 2+ required to break his tackle proved to be too daunting a task, and thus 1-1 after 16 turns.

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