Nuffle be with Nurgle The prospect of meeting The Dead Diggers resulted in a toothless but somehow still gleaming smile and a following enthusiastic aimlessly waving by the nurgle team coach “Rotten Rasmus”. This was not seen as a good sign by The Diggers coach. Ans it didn´t take more than a few turns into the game, with three zombies out two of them dead and a third somewhat confused slumbering about in the injury box, that The Diggers coach knew that these pre-match feelings of dread were coming true. Despite heavy rain throughout the entire match the Earth Scum had no problems in picking up the ball and at the same time maiming the still fewer and fewer remaining opponents. A wizard came to the aid of The Diggers but he proved himself as useless as expected, and no dint was made in The Scum´s ironclad defense. Blitzes and blocks were thrown at The Scum by the now more and more desperate former excavators but these proved to be as inefficient as the wizard had been and in turn eight a horned one carried the ball all the way into The Diggers EZ. The Mummy Herrn Hans Reinerth´s only comment at half time was:” Ach und weh…”. After a serious talk in The DD lockers the hope was now that Nuffle was on the side with the dead. The many spectators of The Scum soon proved this to be an incorrect assumption as they left all but four diggers standing. A glimmer of hope was made as a digger succeeded in picking up the ball. But alas it didn´t take long though before the ball was rolling on the ooze-splatered ground. By a stroke of luck C.J. Thomsen picked up the ball and dodge out of a few tackle zones and at the beginning of turn four he ran all the way to the scum´s end zone not hesitating for a second. The Diggers were now prepared to defend themselves at all cost but a blitz by The Scum soon ended these futile ideas and resulted in a few more KO´s and a casualty or two. A worn out crew of dead none the less kept on fighting but as Henry Lee Lucas was put into a secure cage there was not much to do. A successful one-dice block on the Boggie-Boggieman resulted in a tackle zone on the pestigor. A blitz on the ball-carrier was not possible. Mogens Camre though was an obvious candidate for a blitz and his demise led to yet another TZ was put on Henry Lee Lucas. Despite the TZ `s the pestigor dodged out and on a GF it scored the winning TD in the match´s dying seconds. For the second season in a row The Diggers hopes of advancement have been stomped by the Scum. And so there is not much else to do but to say but this: “We salute you Boggieman and hope you soon shall die very violently.”