For the sixth time in six seasons DR and BBB played and the result was quite predictable from the previous meetings.
Although both teams only had 12 players (Bunnies induced a mercenary line elf with tackle) the Bunnies could also afford to induce a wizard, two extra apotechs and two babes.
Although DR had by far the most fans (25 vs. 15 k) the elf fans threw stones at DR no less than three times during the match. DR then helped them self by killing the ref, knowing from previous experience that the fair play team would never foul back anyway!
And then DR kicked the game off. A horrible start for the elf's left the ball wide open for God to pick-up but unbelievably he also failed this simple task. And suddenly the Bunnies managed to get the ball and score a quick TD for 1-0 by Billie Luder.
Next drive God tried to make up by BHing Tina Turnoff, although at first he had trouble taking her down. And then with the ref conveniently gone Tyr B used his dirty abilities to BH the tackle mercenary. But a hired apo kept her in the game. And then Jesus tied the game for 1-1.
In the 3rd drive Holy Spirit managed to get the ball from the elf's, and Jesus got it in a cage. But a lightning bolt from the wizard then stunned the runner. Luckily for DR the ball bounced to Buddha who caught it, and the Bunnies blitzer Sisse Fisse failed to take him down. A dodge later he was in a cage, and next turn he passed to Holy Spirit who scored for 1-2 at half time.
DR then received, but with another rock stunning God their plans was setup and in the end the other three runners stayed deep in their own pitch. The Bunnies tried to get around the other rats to make a wall, but in the end Jesus had no trouble dodging through to a cage. And two turns later he scored for 1-3. (That was his 70th TD and brought him to 300 spp!)
The third time rocks were thrown it hit both teams. But with only a stunned elf it was really bad for strong Vermin Poseidon, who had to be apoed not to become slower than usually. The apo succeeded in this, but the Vermin has to heal up and will miss next match. So it looked great for the Bunnies this time, especially when also Frej B was SI injured next turn by Lone Star. But once again a simple action failed with the ball, and soon Jesus could pass it to Holy Spirit for the 1-4 lead.
With only a few turns to go, DR has expected to let the Bunnies score, and keep their players safe. But with a riot turning the clock back, and with an easy chance to get a serious hit in at the ball carrier Claire Voyance, DR could not help themselves. So Holy Spirit took her down with assist from The Mother at the side line. Then Jesus ran to the ball got it and passed to God who ran it out of reach far down DR's pitch. The bunnies managed to corner the two runners at the side line and blitz Holy Spirit down while he showed The Mother out in the crowd. Neither got hurt though.
It still looked like a sure TD for DE when they took down the only elf that could reach the side of the pitch where God had the ball. So he ran for the possibility of a TD and just needed to push it a little to make it easier next turn. But bam, the useless God once again failed miserably at a very easy task. The ball bounced out to the crowd and was thrown down towards the bunnies thrower Queen Bruise standing deep in their own pitch. After the Bunnies then also got Jesus down, DR could no longer hope to score, and then a pass from Queen Bruise and a hand-off later Billie Luder scored her 2nd TD for 2-4 and learned Dump-off from that. But the match had already long ago been won by DR.
In the last turn Sisse Fisse managed to make a completion because DR had not gone after the ball, and she learned tackle. And the thrower Queen Bruise learned accurate with her five completions of the match.
The MVP of course went to Holy Spirit who took the ball from the Bunnies several times and scored twice and to Tina Turnoff for only playing two turns before getting BH. She learned side step from this.