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Match result

Season XXII, round 2
Lizardmen logo
no custom badge
Cold Blood Magic

gate: 38 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Scum of the Earth


Bruce Lee
TD Scorers
profile Jeffrey Dahmer Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Henry Lee Lucas dead
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Creature dead
Henry Lee Lucas dead
profile John Wayne Gacy dead
Serious Injurers
profile John Wayne Gacy dead
profile Boogeyman Bounty (50000 gp) dead
profile Doc. Satan

Completions By
Interceptions By

King of Funk dead
MVP awards to
profile T. Bundy dead
Sustained Injuries

Lickable Little Frog
Timmy and his Tail
Miss Next Game

Ambassador of Kwan
Niggling Injury
profile T. Bundy dead
Result added February 27th, 2009

Match notes
Before the game it where clear that the Lizards would be in big trouble without some help, so outside moneymen payed starplayer Slibli to play for CBM (cold blood magic) and a wizard also decided to help them out.
Alot of fans showed up for the game, a majority of witch cheered for CBM who also recived the first kickoff. But the scums caught them flatfooted and blitzed before the ball had even hit the ground.

CBM tryed to get a cage going up their right flak, killing a poor helpless pestigor in the proces, but they could not withstand the pressure meeting them and the ag4 skink with the ball backed out again trying to switch to the otherside og the feild. Meanwhile Boogieman had KOed Slibli and with some help from a few Nurgle warriors he got the hooks in the, now only skink left on the feild, holding the ball.
Yet it still managed to slip away an where it not for a swift ST5 blitz from a pestigot it would have been a sure TD. When the skink where knocked down with a block result it where also BH and CBMs apo had to get it ready for play again if the lizards where to have a fighting chance. Firsthalf ended with Jeffery Dhamers 8th career TD.

The second half CBM scored a TD with help from a wizard, who send Scums nr6 out with a BH from some lightning, and with alot of dodges and pickups in tacklezones.
But when the last skink got BH (again) the tie result slowly slipped away as the remaning 4 lizards where helpless to stop H.L. Lucas from walking in the winning TD

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