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Match result

Season XXI, round 7
Team badge
Silverado Snakeskins

gate: 33 000
1 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Greyhavien Renegades


profile He who is darknes dead
TD Scorers
De Puta Madre!! Bounty (70000 gp) retired
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Badly Hurt'ers
De Puta Madre!! Bounty (70000 gp) retired

profile Kimpelflækker Bounty (20000 gp)
Serious Injurers

profile Mr. Shine dead
Completions By
Celebrian Stormcrow
Interceptions By

profile The Fifth Elephant
MVP awards to
Fehår retired
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Jeg er Mega Bitter!! dead
Joan of Ass dead
Result added October 22nd, 2008

Match notes
before the game had started, the coach of Greyhavien Renegades had anticipated a massive win. Silverado Snakeskins is a new team, they only had 10 players to start and their ag4 skink was injured. The Renegades on the other hand had 12 players, two wardancers and a shitload of skills.

With inducements enough to buy the moon, the snakeskins decided to rent both Sibili and Morg 'n' Thorg for the game.

The Renegades started off with the ball, and quickly sent a barrage of players downfield and protected the thrower. The snakeskins very conservatively decided to cover as many of the receivers as possible and only chase the thrower with a few players. This made it hard for the elves to get open and make a 'safe' td, so they had to cage a little and try getting further up the right side. This was quickly spoiled and the Lizzies got the ball loose, but couldn't get it entirely free, so the chosen tactic was to get as many TZ's on the ball as possible. Combined with the pouring rain this made the ball a very complex piece of real-estate to get your hands on.

A couple of turns passed with both teams fighting for a unhindered pick up. The snakeskins got the chance, but couldn't get the ball. previous in that same turn Mr. Shine killed Joan of Ass. The clear pick up came after the coach of Greyhavien Renegades attempted a stupid dodge and fell.
Despite the kill and the stupid dodge, the failed pick up ended in the most ridiculous bounce that allowed the elves to make 245 dodges and a couple of GFI's to score with one turn left for the lizzies to try and pick up and get the ball in the endzone.
No such luck for the lizzies.

The second half was complete uneventful. The lizzies got the ball, and quickly made a cage with their 9 st4+ players and despite many attempted leaps and blitzes, the elves didn't have a chance. Slowly but surely the cage went downfield and the elves fought in vain to get through. There was never any doubt and in turn 16 the lizzies scored the equalizing TD.
The elves had a chance for a one-turn TD, but with no re-rolls and a good lizzie set up they instead decided to try and injure the one skink they could get to. they succeeded, and the game ended 1-1.

The coach of Greyhavien Renegades needed an extremely lucky bounce to get his TD, and he can undoubtedly be happiest with the draw, so despite being a big favorite, good tactics and conservative play left the underdogs with a sense of having lost one point rather than winning one.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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