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Match result

Season XXI, round 3
Team badge

gate: 36 000
0 TD score 5
cas score
Team badge
Divine Rats

TD Scorers
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
Foulers (no cas)

Enuresis Nocturna dead
Mefisto Hellbringer
Akut Bronkitis
Badly Hurt'ers

mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers
profile Thor B dead
profile Uranus dead

Medusa Hellbringer dead
Completions By
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Jesus Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
Interceptions By

Torsio Testis
MVP awards to
profile God
Sustained Injuries

Pustulosis Palmo-Plant dead
Miss Next Game
profile Frej B
profile Thor B dead
profile Loke

Medusa Hellbringer dead
Result added September 12th, 2008

Match notes
For the fourth time Hellbringers faced DR. So far a tie is the darkies best result, but they mainly go for the maiming. And it seemed like they would be having a great chance at that after DR had been through the Mummy machine last match, and only fielded 13 players with a hired mercenary linerat.

Especially as the much fewer HB fans invaded the pitch taking out 5 rats stunned vs. only 3 the other way. Another rat was stunned in a foul by Benign Prostata but he was then send off. And the ball was left on the ground close to the LoS, and soon Jesus had it, and when Enuresis Nocturna failed to take him down, the diving tackling blitzer was blitzed away from Jesus who then scored for 0-1.

Later in the half ball carrying runner Medusa Hellbringer dumps off to Colitis Ulcerosa just before getting blitzed by Uranus. The latter, who now wishes to fill up the space of Zeus, gets so angry about this that he kills the runner, in spite of the apotech's effort to save him! God manages to get his TZ onto the ball carrier, and when neither a blitz nor a block from Colitis Ulcerosa gets the side stepper down or away it is now easy for DR and Uranus, to get another two dice blitz on the ball carrier and he is down. The ball ends up between several of DRs players. And stays there till next turn, where Holy Spirit manages to hand it to Jesus who then runs out of reach to score for 0-2 next turn.

In the last turn for each team Jesus manages to make a completion.

Each team has made a couple of casualties, and with one thrown out, and DR's KOs coming back in 2nd half starts with DR up 11 vs. 9 and receiving - to yet another pitch invasion. But this time it is 5 of the 9 darkies that go down and nil of the rats. So two turns later it is 0-3 by Jesus who also managed a completion the turn before the TD! With these two completion Jesus has made his way into the all time top thrower list as the only non-thrower!

At this point in the match HB do not even try to get at the ball which is kicked down in their own EZ. So Jesus has no problem running through their defences towards the ball. And he is not blitzed. But HB starts to kick hard on the LoS and several injuries befell DR. Nevertheless Jesus scores his 4th TD next turn.

DR now only has 8 players left and keeps Jesus and Holy Spirit some what back on the pitch for protection, but then they come out blitzing after a ball ending deep on the side of the Hellbringers pitch. And even half way down their own pitch the two super fast runners can make it into the mêlée. And with a dodge away from the diving tackler Enuresis Nocturna, Jesus manages to get to the ball and score for the final result: 5-0 to Jesus vs. Hellbringers.

With that TD Jesus became a legend, as only the second player in Aros! He scored 17 spp in this match to get to 177 and has now also learned to leap.

In the last seconds of the match 8 rats just tries to protect the Legend, and they succeeded with only one more SI line rat, when Loke fell on a dodge to help with the protection. A perfect match for DR, and not so much for Hellbringers.

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Coach Prize

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