For the third time DR faced the Olvig Vikings. After two miserable defeats (one this season) with a cas difference of 16-3 DR had opted for two extra apotechs and for some reason they went for the wizard once again… (Their wizard failed the last two times they had one in the play-offs).
Vikings decided to kick to DR and DR came well from start stunning opponents on the first four block/blitz, but only that! Typically for these two teams the first failed dodge on DR's part resulted in a KO; the first of many.
The Vikings did not really try to stop the rats, and Jesus had a free TD after a blitz in turn 3 for 0-1. It was 1-1 in KO; only the Vikings came back in.
The first line rat Brage A that was taken down when Olvig received was SI - ST by Knud Eriksson. And from then on several KOs followed, lots on fouls by Snorre Skjoldsson.
Holy Spirit managed to wrestle the ball from Frode Herlufson who had received the ball on a touch back after the Vikings quick snap. Jesus managed to go and get the ball, but fell when dodged away.
Sure handed Inge "Markhalm" Grims then failed to pick it up, but DR could not get at it and then he ran with the ball. But at the end of the half DR's Uranus managed to blitz him, and he was left standing in the presence of the dodgers worst nightmare God. However, with help from a couple of team-mates it seemed that Herluf Frodesson should be able to get him down, but no, not even with extra team help, so then Inge "Markhalm" Grims had to try the dodge. And he made it, that is into the next square, but God shadowed him and then dived him down just before the EZ. 0-1 at half time.
DR had managed to KO both Ulfwereners but they came back in, but so did 4 out of 5 KOed rats, including players like Jesus, Loke and Zeus! The Vikings had only made one more cas a BH on Odin B by Egil Uldsson but that was saved by a hired apotech.
So DR had full team to face down the Vikings for 2nd half. And then Inge "Markhalm" Grims again failed to pick-up. But luckily for the Vikings a rock had just stunned agile Jesus, who else would have made it there with no trouble and could have passed back down DR's pitch. But now Holy Spirit had to blitz a Viking down with assist (and he was daunty enough to be the strongest). So with only one Viking next to the ball even God managed to get at it and get free.
This time, however, the Vikings did get him down, and soon Inge "Markhalm" Grims had the ball and now KOed rats where flying off the pitch in all directions. When the half ended with a TD for 1-1 by Inge "Markhalm" Grims they had KOed 9 rats, most in fouls by Snorre Skjoldsson who was not thrown out until late in the half where he KOed Holy Spirit. But not a single cas did they manage. DR had managed two, first did Uranus take out menace berserker Egil Uldsson BH and later one of the sole remaining rats Zeus killed Herluf Frodesson. The apotech was not used on either of these.
With 10 KOed and only 3 ready it could have looked bleak for DR, but they would get two chances to get them out. However, already in the first go, 6 of the 10 made it back, including the two MA 10 runners and the thrower.
A one turn attempt was possible, but then a riot suddenly turned the clock one space back, and DR had a serious chance of scoring. It was something they were considering for a while. They were ahead already having the advantage in two four turn halves with up to 13 players available and with 3 vs. 2 RR and the wizard still handy. Using up a RR on the one turn had not really been an option, but now they could loose a RR in this two turn attempt and they had of course not lined up such an event. But of course neither had the Vikings!
So a stunning blitz on Bjørn Annasdatter by Uranus came in handy and soon all three runners on pitch where in scoring position. And Buddha had the ball safe. The Vikings packed up Jesus and Fallen Madonna closest to the LoS and then blitzed Holy Spirit down and fouled him SI so he would have lost movement. But the team apotech saved the runner so he would be ready for a final!
The packing was not done so well and with the two rats that blitzed and stunned the runner free, an easy blitz was made on the inverted cage and with the Norse lino going down Jesus was freed from two TZ in one go. A perfect pass from Buddha was almost not caugt by Jesus, so as team effort was needed and his high AG. But he did get it, and with two easy dodges he were on his way to the victory, but he still needed to pass over the treacherous EZ line now without any help, but he made it and won the match 1-2 for DR.
And the wizard was still standing there doing nothing the entire match…
For the third match DR's MVP went to the sole line rat that would MNG Brage A and as the two previous times he will also learn a new skill from this. But it will not be useable this season as he will miss the final.
DR earned maximum on the semi and will be able if they like to field 16 players against the Khemri from Bones & Bandages in the last battle!