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Brage A

Brage Adead
Skaven Lineman,
Divine Rats team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 5
Star Player Points: 27
MA ST AG AV Skills
5 2 3 7 Wrestle, Fend

Sustained Injuries: -MA, -ST, -MA  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Divine Rats - Scum of the Earth (Season XXII, round 3).
Received a random MVP when the team won season XXI.
Joined the team before DR’s 29th match, the quaterfinal of XIX.

Season 22:

Even with all his injuries he kept being Brave, Brage, but in the end, getting up against a Beast of Nurgle turned out to be a bad idea, and in round 3 he was killed by Boogeyman.
He was lucky not to be turned into a rotter, so he is now back in Valhalla waiting for DR to earn enough money to buy him back! It could take a while with two other high profile players also dead, Thor C and Pluto the last two matches. And DR is an expensive machine to run at the moment...

It took the rest of the group play, but for the play-off he came back as Brage B

Season 21:

BH by Enuresis Nocturna in round 3.

SI Roberto von Speedo MNG in cross over round 4.

SI by Egil Uldsson in round 7. Will miss the cross over match.

In the round of 16th SI -MA (again) by Kimpelflækker. As slow as a Rat Ogre he is. And will miss the quaterfinal.

After the season ended DR received an honorary MVP for the championship which went to no other than this low strength line rat. He managed to play 10 matches for DR this season in spite of his low strength, and in spite of the fact that he spend most of his awoken time in front of the big guys like the Krox Mr. Joe Fixit in the final!


Odl news:

SI -MA by Bastardo Hellbringer in round 3 (before round 2, which he will miss).

With the MVP from round 5 he learned to wrestle.

BH in a foul by Zark Immergeil in round 5.

BH by Godric Cowhead in round 6.

MVP in the round 9 cross?

BH by Tue Borc in the first turn of the quaterfinal.

SI -ST by Knud Eriksson. Obtained the MVP for taking a hit for the team and have learned Fend. He will miss the final, but will be ready to take on the LoS, low strength or not, next season!

Old news:
After Brage got killed in his first match and had to return to Valhalla it would not be obvious that he should return so soon.

But alas the usual number 2 spot, his father Odin A will not be able to come back to the team right now, as he did not return to Valahala, but joined Zhatan's Re-Animated and play for them as Odin ReAnimated. So until he chooses to return to Valhalla Brage vil have to take his place.

However, to remind him of his first match mistake, he will now be known as Brage A!

BH when pushed into the crowd by Tue Borc in the final. Received the MVP anyway...

Merits in season XIX
Played in 3 of 3 matches
5 spp from 1 MVP.
Value 50.000 gp

1 injury
BH in a crowd push by Tue Borc. final

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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