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Match result

Season XX, cross-over 9
Team badge

gate: 30 000
1 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies


Evildoer Hellbringer
TD Scorers
profile Lone Star dead
profile Billie Luder Hall of Fame dead
profile Sisse Fisse dead
Foulers (no cas)

Badly Hurt'ers
profile Carmen Körler dead

Serious Injurers

Mefisto Hellbringer

Assscratch Hellbringer
Completions By
profile Claire Voyance retired
profile Claire Voyance retired
profile Lone Star dead
Interceptions By

Helicobacter Pylori
MVP awards to
profile Lone Star dead
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile The Fiery Johanna dead
profile Billie Luder Hall of Fame dead
victim healed by apoth
profile Carmen Körler dead
Result added April 29th, 2008

Match notes
Three pitch invasions kept the Bunnies lying down for most of the match, but so much the merrier for the Darkies who were delighted for the extra fouling opportunities.

When on one occasions the Darkies had sent every Bunny back into the dugout they actually had nothing else to do than to pick up the ball and bring it to the endzone. But by then it was all too late, as they were 3-0 down.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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