Almost equally matched the Dodgers faced DR for the third time. And as usually the rats took home a secure victory, with great help from the blinding sunshine.
Receiving the ball DR tried to break through the middle, and Loke managed to blitz down famous catcher Kress von Kressenstein. But that was to be the last move of the rat kicker as Ogre Grogosh Krust blitzed him down SI him so bad the induced apo quacksalver could do nothing for him! This was the beginning of a blitzing frenzy by the Ogre, who did not fail to perform for a single turn the rest of first half. But it was his only casualty of the match.
DR kicked right back when Brage A killed Helmuth von Moltke, this time the apotech did help, but barely saving his life and leaving him SI. Next turn rookie Maria scored her first TD for 1-0.
Without the kicker, DR somehow managed to kick the ball to the EZ of Dodgers, and when thrower Dieter Gold was left alone down there with the ball, he suddenly faced a real wall of GodRunners and linerats. He was thus forced to throw against the sun. It was a though pass, and fearing it was inaccurate, he tried to much, and fumbled instead. This was then a given TD and Jesus grabbed it and 2-0.
A perfect defence from the rats, and another sun in the way caused Dieter Gold to pass so badly he hit himself, and he where too surprised by this to catch it. It was thus easy for Jesus to get to the ball and he handed it to God who had run along.
Cage was not possible, so in the end Maxim von Königsberg did get at him and took him down, but the side stepper stepped neatly between Jesus and Maria, and with a good bounce she once again had the ball. She was packed heavily in by the remaining Dodgers, but a simple dodge back and then past was enough that she could push it all the way to the EZ for 3-0 lead at half time. She learned her first skill from this.
A last turn BH by Leopold of Bavaria on Brage A still left DR with 11 players as all KOed players where back.
And so they kicked to Dodgers. Once again it was the unknown linerat Brage A who hit the hardest this time SI Heinrich of Prussia early in the half. But again these things are avenged and a foul by Horst Hünschen SI Buddha so he would have been as bad of as Helmuth von Moltke but the teams own apotech did manage to turn this better so he will only miss next match. Next turn Kress von Kressenstein was forced to score, although he had no problems with it. He became a super star from that earning his fifth upgrade.
This time it was Dodgers turn to set up the perfect defence, or so they thought, cause soon Jesus where in scoring reach with the ball, and when no one came in the way of the four runners, he passed effortlessly to Maria who took her third TD in her debut match: 4-1.
In the last drive DR just tried to protect their team, and a touch back (no kicker) gave Alexander von Kluck a TD for 4-2 and he learned a skill from that.
A huge difference between first and second half was that first half super Ogre Grogosh Krust had completely lost interest in the game. After performing formidable during the first half, he only managed to do anything at all a few times during 2nd half! But this was so funny, and with the great first half he where still elected for MVP for Dodgers.
Zeus received the MVP for DR, why? We do not really know, but it made him into a star and he got a new skill.