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Match result

Season XVIII, cross-over 8
Team badge
Elf Huggers

gate: 28 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Death Extravagante

TD Scorers
profile Evon Black dead
profile Kharnath Vileblood dead
Foulers (no cas)

Tue Borc
Nero dead
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event
profile Kayleen Darkscream dead
Serious Injurers
profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead

profile Achare Lifebane Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Completions By
profile Evon Black dead
profile Evon Black dead
profile Kayleen Darkscream dead
profile Kayleen Darkscream dead
Interceptions By

H. T. Bush
MVP awards to
profile Cavalanche Blackrose dead
Sustained Injuries

Miss Next Game
-1 MA
profile Echtellion Bearstruck dead

victim healed by apoth
-1 ST

Spir dead
victim healed by apoth
Result added April 10th, 2007

Match notes
The Orcs had prepared for this game by hiring a babe, a chainsaw wielding Orc and bribing the ref into letting him play for 2 drives.
However they weren´t prepared for the viciousnes of the elves.
Allready within the first 1/4 of the half three Orcs were injured and one was in the knock out box gainst only a single injured elf.
The Elves controlled the intire first half and scored late on for the 1-0 lead.
As the Orcs prepared to receive trying for a flying td a riot took over for some time, and the ref decided that it would be safest to just head for the dressing room.
Throughout the second half the Dakies kept on a high pressure on the Orcish cage who was too busy protecting itself to make progress.
It wasn´t until late in the game that Death Extravagante finally got to the ball and sent a player downfield ready for the pass...and the final score of 2-0.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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