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Echtellion Bearstruck

Echtellion Bearstruckdead
Dark Elf Lineman,
Death Extravagante team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 5
Touchdowns: 9
Casualties: 3
MVP awards: 5
Star Player Points: 63
MA ST AG AV Skills
5 3 5 8 Guard, Block, +AG, Dodge

Sustained Injuries: -MA,  1 niggling inj.  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Death Extravagante - Army Of Lovers (Season XXIII, semi-final).
For winning their group, he received 1 extra MVP before PO of season XIX
Echtellion is an important player for the team.
Being able to lend assists whenever a hole needs to be made in the opposition drive or defence or just to hit back, makes him a great teamplayer.
His great agility enables him to do very difficult tasks with ease - such as getting into tough spots in the opposition line, to fully maximize from his guard ability.
Finally he is a fine blocker and capable of dodging most opposing blows and tackles.
His slow pace and vulnerability of injury is somewhat concerning however.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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