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Match result

season XVI, round 7
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies

gate: 87 000
1 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge


profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Fredelige Finn
mercenary / fans / random event
Vakse Viggo
Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
Completions By
Interceptions By

profile Maria Juana retired
MVP awards to
profile Fredelige Finn
Sustained Injuries

profile Gro Myko dead
Result added April 11th, 2006

Match notes
The Bunnies were at the receiving end of first half's kick-off.

Knowing that Fredsduerne would use their opportunity to stall the game, if they could, the Bunnies had to retain control of the ball to secure Synne Buch's completion cirkus. And indeed first half did turn out to be a one woman show on her behalf. She just threw a completion each turn, while the Bunny receivers and blitzers try to move into the open spaces. As they were more or less always covered, Synne herself together with her cage started moving up the pitch. A crucial turnover from the Fredsduerne even allowed her to break through the defence and cage herself on the border of the endzone. And then, in the final turn of the first half, she made what proved to be the game-winning touchdown.

In the second half Dozer got hold of the ball. He drove down the pitch, but with his focus on the endzone, he never knew what hit him, as Ann Griff leapt in from behind knocking him unconscious. The ball was loose, and after a couple of attempts to cover the ball from both teams, Maria Juana's high agility finally came in handy. She got hold of the ball and was caged on the sideline. The cage was then boxed in, and rather than to risk an uncertain pass, she chose to let herself be pushed off the pitch in the hope that the ball would be thrown out of reach for Fredsduerne. Against the plan the ball was thrown the right way for the Chaos Dwarves, but in their last turn the intended touchdown scorer Dozer failed to pick up the ball. 1-0 the final score.

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