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Rattus Abeo

Race:  Skaven
Coach:  Søren Jung
From the outer rims of hell, deep beyond the the thick layer of death, ashes and decay small creatures live. Feeding of bones from nurglings these creatures are being breeded for one purpose only: To kill as many players of the other team as possible, before dying on the field themselves. The species is called: Rattus Abeo.

Rattus Abeo team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Apr. 19th, 2005 - old news
With this major faliure, there's no doubt that someone is going to pay for this! If the team coach manages to live past this, then some of the team players will suffer!! The day for execution will soon be public...
- Søren Jung
Feb. 6th, 2005 - old news
Rattus Abeo - i've never heard about this species before and must say that they look very fragile and weak. They have a major lack of dicipline and they don't seem to listen when i try to coach them. I don't know any of thier names, so I gave them names witch will help me focus during the tournement...
- Søren Jung
Tournaments played:
season XIV
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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