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Neither Talented nor Good

Race:  Lizardmen
Coach:  Capt´n Knas
Person 1: In the abyss he were born to dominate..

Person 2: Yea! If by domination you mean fucking roooollll.

Lizardmen logo
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Bulletin board from the coach
Oct. 8th, 2013 - old news
If they don't win ill rip off their skin
Once again the brave and bold "Neither Good nor Talented" loose to the brisk dwarves from D.W.A.R.F. Even though their defeat wasn't as bad as former defeats, their coatch "Judge Fudge" - a skaven skumbag from the sewers of Aldorf - has clearly spoken out, that if they don't win he'll rip off their skin... He might reconsider this when he realisez that the different of size between a Sauri and a Gutter runner is of considerable notability.

Roger and out.
- Capt´n Knas
Oct. 8th, 2013 - old news
Endnu et nederlag til hvor egne!!
Pis og papir, sådan kan det jo gå. Endnu engang måtte vi se et knusende nederlag i øjnene. Men sådan er livet, og man lærer af sine fejltagelser, ikke af sin succes.

Bedre held næste gang venner!
- Capt´n Knas
Sep. 5th, 2013 - old news
Ny spænding i klubben. ArosBB officielt.
Spillerne på holdet ser frem til en spændende sæson i ArosBB. Regionens største liga.
- Capt´n Knas
Tournaments played:
Season XXXl
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