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MoonKnight Shadows

Race:  Necromantic Horror
Coach:  Michael H

MoonKnight Shadows team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
May 3rd, 2006 - old news
Heiko Herrlich is back in black... The fierce teamcaptain has had a long period without his favorite sport - KILLING!
But as the record now shows, the last two matches have guided him and the team back into buisiness...

Let it be said that we now hold us true to the the one statistic MoonKnight Shadows fights for:
34 games played
- Michael H
Aug. 28th, 2005 - old news
Heiko Herrlich has finally gotten the troup together... We stand ready to face the new season, planning to kill kill kill!!!
And the end of this season we hope to see Heiko as most lethal! -This is our purpose...
- Michael H
Jan. 13th, 2005 - old news
- Michael H
Sep. 7th, 2004 - old news
MoonKnight Shadows - Returned from Exile!
- Michael H
Tournaments played:
season XIII, season XIV, season XV, season XVI
Trophies won:
Most Leathal Team: season XIII, season XV, season XVI


Current Champions
Coach Prize

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