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Kislev Ravens

Race:  Norse
Coach:  Mads F

Kislev Ravens team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Feb. 19th, 2003 - old news
We have know officially made our complain about The Apple Pies throwing their players.

The Commish told us that he would look into it and that I had good chances to at least get a rematch or even a victory as a ruling from the Commish. I thanked him many times and gave him as promished the 30.000 gp.

I have 3 corrections to make regarding my last bulletin.

1.) We were
2.) several
3.) this

The person who wrote that one was not drunk, so he could not spell.
- Mads F
Feb. 19th, 2003 - old news
We was not aware of that it was legal to throw with players!!

The Apples Pies did it severel times nevertheless with great succes. We was to confused to set up a defence against it.

We have decided to protest against tjis behaviour to The League Commish.
- Mads F
Oct. 24th, 2002 - old news
After a disapointing start the team is now back on track and won the first match last Tuesday.
We expect the team to continue its run towards the top of division in the next match against some overlords.
- Mads F
Sep. 23rd, 2002 - old news
In the last match Kislev Ravens got their first point in the league. Unfortunately Kurt-Arne Kvalme died during the match... La Nausée is now all over Kislev.
- Mads F
Tournaments played:
season IX, season X
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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