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Eurobowl Champions

Race:  Dwarf
Coach:  Steffen
Adopting Bloodbowl true tactics as supposed when Blood Bowl was young, the Eurobowl Champions aim to be just that - Champions. True dwarfs, true Blood Bowl Champions, true grinders. This is the true CHAMPIONS.

Eurobowl Champions team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Oct. 8th, 2007 - old news
Blood Bowl has come home to the dwarfs. After a slow start last season, the Champions have passed with flying colours. Unmatched at true grinding bloodbowl the Champions are grinding through group D, without conceeding a single TD. The train is running, and cannot be stopped anymore.

As head coach Slarti Bartfast Said: " Bloodbowl is comming home, and I pity any team that stands in our way".
- Steffen
Tournaments played:
Season XVIII, Season XIX
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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