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Nemesis Nackenzopf

Nemesis Nackenzopfretired
High Elf Blitzer,
Die Haubtabteilung team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 2
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 9
MA ST AG AV Skills
7 3 4 8 Block, Dodge

Sustained Injuries: none

Retired during season XI.
Considered by most the stupidest of the team, Nemesis has porven tremendously talented on the field. At least at taking his part in the free beer between (and during) drives. His motto and Kampfruf is often be heard over the noise of the macth: " Knoodeln, Knoodeln, Knoodeln!".

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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