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Laden McSnail

Laden McSnailBounty of 30 kgpdead
Skaven Blitzer,
The Snails team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 3
Casualties: 24  (5 were kills!)
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 57
MA ST AG AV Skills
7 3 3 8 Block, Razor Sharp Fangs, Claw, Tackle, Guard

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match The Snails - Death Extravagante (season XI, semi-final)
and Death Extravagante took the 30 000 gp bounty.
Name: Laden McSnail
Born: 13/8-02
Personal id: 130802-6245.8452.2596.8453
Mother: Shari McSnail
Farther: Unknown

Laden McSnail was the younges player at the team when it was founded and played his first match at an age of 4 weeks. He has followed his bigbrothers trails and has grown psysically. Citat "My brother might be bad and all that stuff, But compared to me he is a sissy. I'm am the uglies thing in the known world, and soon you will know why" The coach clams his just a little young. No need to worry, just dont make him mad.

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