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Dior, Thingol's heir

Dior, Thingol's heir
Wood Elf Lineman,
Sindarin Lords team retired

   Roster number: 4  

Value: 140,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 2
Touchdowns: 5
Casualties: 2
MVP awards: 3
Star Player Points: 36
MA ST AG AV Skills
8 3 4 7 +MA, Tackle, Block

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Sindarin Lords has retired team retired --.
Born in the land of the living dead to Beren and Luthien Dior is actually half-elven. He fled Doriath in the time of the wars of the elves and dwarves. He absolutely hates dwarves, just as much as any evil players. He runs like the wind and will reach the end-zone with-out anyone realising that he is gone.

Blitzing smaller beings has become an important part for Dior.

Dior is one of the original eleven.

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Coach Prize

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