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Lorien Greenleaf

Lorien GreenleafBounty of 10 kgpretired
Loren Dodgers team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 6
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 25
MA ST AG AV Skills
8 2 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Side Step

Sustained Injuries: -ST

Retired during season X.
Lorien Greenleaf is one of the now rare wardancers remaning in Loren. He´s very young, but highly skilled and agile. The only true pupil and prótege to the great Kirja Stormsinger. He is also the youngest wardancer to ever have worn the Mask of Opposition. This means he has to do everything backwards, while he isn´t fighting. For eks. he sleeps by day and is awake at night. He also ride his pony facing its rear. Trough this strange and lonely life, he is building up such an energi and a lust to once again be a part of the real world. That he in war and games, comes forward in the most powerfull dance, trancending everyone with the most beautifull, swift and deadly moves an elf can make...
He is to be awed, as any opposit should be...

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