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A. MacVasilevsky

A. MacVasilevskydead
High Elf Lineman,
Cowards of Culloden team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 1
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 13
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 3 4 8 Block

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Cowards of Culloden - Witchburg Steelers (Season XXXVII, round 10).
Aleksandr MacVasilevsky (of the Highland MacVasilevskis – not to be confused with the Lowland MacVasilevskis of Selkirkshire) was a Scottish inventor and purist of the Scottish language. He fostered many of the inventions which are today considered synonymous with Scotland such as the Scottish Maiden, the Scottish Symphony and the Scotland Yard, which is a few inches shorter than the traditional yard of the imperial measurement.

As a military thinker he is mostly remembered for reorganizing the fearsome pikemen of Fife into new regiments and promoting equal opportunity by inventing the pink gay pride tartan. He also oversaw the march on Königsberg.

For his achievements in linguistics he was awarded the literature prize of the exclusive “Society of Middle Aged Dumfries Transvestite Dwarves Advocating Nuclear Power” as well as a staggering 8 receptions of the Order of MacLenin.

His younger brother, Abdullah, is now taking up Blood Bowl under the assumption, that if he could survive Leningrad, he can also survive the encounter with a beast of nurgle… Tosser.

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