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George MacPickett

George MacPickettdead
High Elf Blitzer,
Cowards of Culloden team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 2
Casualties: 4  (2 were kills!)
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 19
MA ST AG AV Skills
7 3 4 8 Block, Strip Ball, Leap

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Brimstone Raiders - Cowards of Culloden (Season XXXl, Round 6).
George MacPickett - lone and proud descendant of the great Scottsh general who led the famous astonishingly almost successful charge at the Battle of Gettysburg during the Scottish Civil war for autonomous independence of the Lowlands north of Hadrians Wall. After the war George's great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather contracted Scarlet Fever after close contact with an infant. He died... George himself shows great sign of the deeper understandings of fence making having himself invented the well known Pickett Fence.

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